Birth Doula Packages

Birth Doula Package A $1700 (Hypno-Birthing Available on all packages)

  • Two Prenatal meetings (about 1.5 hours) at your home or other specified location (Zoom).

  • Customized birth plan to fit your family’s needs.

  • 24/7 unlimited phone and text upon hire date.

  • Comfort measure techniques.

  • Support throughout your entire labor and delivery.

  • 1.5-2.0 hours of support after the delivery.

  • Visual Birth Plan, and birth template

  • A Postpartum Visit in the first seven days upon your return home to provide birth processing or support referrals if needed.

  • One private breath and pelvic floor workshop personalized to your individual needs.

  • Images documenting your birth via YOUR phone or camera.

Birth Doula Package B $2100

  • Two Prenatal Meetings (about 1.5 hours) at your home or other specified location (Zoom).

  • Customized birth plan to fit your family’s needs.

  • 24/7 unlimited phone and text support upon hire date.

  • Comfort measure techniques

  • Support throughout your entire labor and delivery

  • 1.5-2.0 hours of support after the delivery.

  • Visual Birth Plan, and birth template

  • A postpartum visit about 3-4 days after your return home to provide birth processing or support referrals if needed.

  • One Private Breath and pelvic floor workshop personalized to your individual needs.

  • Nutrition planning for pregnancy and postpartum.

  • Images of your birth are delivered via an encrypted secure gallery site.

Birth Doula Package C $2600

  • Two Prenatal Meetings (about 1.5 hours) at your home or other specified location (Zoom).

  • Customized birth plans to fit your family’s needs.

  • 24/7 unlimited phone and text support upon hire date.

  • Comfort measure techniques.

  • Support throughout your entire labor and delivery.

  • 1.5-2.0 hours of support after the delivery.

  • Visual Birth Plan, and birth template.

  • A postpartum visit about 3-4 days after your return home to provide birth processing or support referrals if needed.

  • One Private Breath and pelvic floor workshop personalized to your individual needs.

  • Nutrition planning for pregnancy and postpartum.

  • Images and slideshow of your birth are delivered via an encrypted secure gallery site.

  • Postpartum Breath for Birth MN core restoration classes are available for weeks 6-10 postpartum. These are done at a private yoga studio in Hopkins. (One per week)

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Birth prep Planning

Birth Prep Planning $900

  • 2-3 Prenatal Planning Sessions

  • Exclusive Breath and Birth Visual Birth Plan

  • Unlimited text/email/and phone support upon the date of hire

  • Four weekly postpartum calls once you arrive home

  • Referrals and references to additional providers throughout the city

  • Support virtually throughout labor

  • 1-hour Breastfeeding education before delivery

  • Breastfeeding support throughout postpartum

Scar Mobilization Therapy

Coming April 2023

Scar Immersion Therapy:  Adhesions form secondary to normal wound healing.  Due to this process, there can be myofascial pain and dysfunction.  There can be uneven pulling on the scar, and overall sensitivity in the area.  Releasing some of this tension improves overall comfort and mobility.  This can impact the overall functionality of tissues, muscles, neural structures, and skin.  It is all connected.  Scar Rehab helps the overall functionality of the whole body.  Scar mobility helps to release the tightening and increase overall full body mobility.  Scar tissue massage can help with pulling, tightness, numbness, and overall abdominal movement.  These sessions are personalized to you and are 80-minute sessions.  The cost is $129.

Core Restoration

6-12 Weeks Postpartum Program

 Pregnancy is hard on the body, and gaining strength back to our core is essential. We use the core system daily, and building strength and balance is the focus. Your abdominals and pelvic floor undergo many changes during pregnancy, and knowing how and what to do to rebuild is empowering and critical. The goal is not weight loss in this program. The goal is strength building and restoration. There are six 60-minute sessions designed for your individual needs.


Post Partum Planning

  • Two planning sessions (90 min)

  • Postpartum visit within 2-7 days postpartum (120 min)

  • Nutrition planning for postpartum to ensure that you have nutritionally dense foods and healing foods ready for the postpartum time.

  • Post partum soup made at your home during the postpartum visit.

  • Community resources for the postpartum time.

  • On-call for three weeks postpartum to answer any questions or provide resources for additional care.



Nutrition Planning

Fertility, pregnancy, and post-partum are critical times for nutrition, and they can often leave you feeling confused. There are so many mixed messages on what to eat and what to stay away from. Whether you are looking for a nutritional plan for fertility or want to feel nourished in your postpartum journey I can help you get through the weeds. I’m excited to offer nutritional planning and education that is a no-nonsense plan that gives you answers. THIS IS FOCUSED ON NUTRITION, NOT WEIGHT LOSS. I am not a fan of the weight-loss culture. My goals are your goals, and I promise you will leave with a clear understanding of what will leave you feeling nourished and healthy.

  • Consultation appointments are now available. These are free 15-minute appointments where we can discuss what your concerns and goals are in nourishing your body.

  • Two-hour planning appointments. Let’s get you on track to understand the importance of nutrition and what your goals are throughout fertility, pregnancy, and beyond. $125

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Pre and Post Natal Yoga

Resuming in May 2025