Questions to Ask a Prospective Doula….

If you ask me, there are a lot of reasons to hire a doula. Birth statistics alone are enough of a reason. Let’s talk about some of the birth statistics. Evidence Based birth sites that people that have continuous support during their birth experience a 25% decrease in the risk of Cesarean; the largest effect was seen with a doula 39%. A 2017 Cochrane review site discusses improved outcomes for birthing people and children including “increased spontaneous vaginal birth, use of analgesia, use of regional analgesia, low five minute Apgar score and negative feelings about childbirth experience. We found no evidence of harm of continuous labor support.” The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) acknowledges the potential benefits of continuous labor support by doula in its Committee Opinion on Approaches to Limit Intervention. There are so many studies out there supporting doulas, but how do you know where to start? Let’s go over some questions to ask your perspective doula.

  1. Do you work with a back up doula? This is one of the most important questions to ask. Life happens, emergencies happen and you want to make sure that your doula is covered in the case that they are unable to attend your birth. Most doulas work within the birth community with other like doulas. Their backup has a similar style, training and experience level. Upon hiring your doula, you may even want to request that you do a short meet and greet with their back-up. I can tell you this, I have had to use my back-up twice in the over 100 births that I attended. Once due to an ice storm and my truck went into the ditch and the other time I was at a birth where my client went into labor six weeks prematurely. Both my client and myself had no concerns and I knew that they would be taken care of the same way with my back-up as I would care for them myself. There were no surprises for my clients on their birthing day because they had met and spoken to my back-up. I’m a big fan of no surprises on your birthing day.

  2. What does your package include? What other types of services do you offer? As with any other type of service, you always want to know what you are getting. Most doulas include prenatal visits, an on call period, and post partum visits. There is some degree of prep that you and your doula should do together. That way the lines of communication are open for your support during one of the biggest moments of your life. Some doulas do placenta encapsulation, birth photography, childbirth education. It’d good to know what services are included in your package and what services are available ala cart. I offer two prenatal visits, a one hour breath class, continuous support for the duration of your labor. Upon hire I am available for phone, text and email support as well. I offer a post partum in person visit or a weekly one hour call for the first four weeks you are home with your new baby.

  3. How do you support my partner? A doula is not there to replace your partner. In fact a doula can provide support to your partner as well. Here is the thing that we need to remember. We think that we know what we want during our labor, however in the moment it may not be what you think you want when planning your birth. I think one really important thing to remember about partners is that this is a big moment for them as well. You are both experiencing one of the single most important moments in your life. They are also watching the person that they love most in the world experience discomfort and often don’t know what to do. A doula can make suggestions to them on how they can support you best in the moment. They remind your partner to eat, drink and go the bathroom. We need them in great shape as well, and we work with them to support you.

  4. How many births do you attend per month? I’m not so stuck on the due date, but I can tell you that I only take a certain number of births per month. Most doulas know how many families they can support successfully in the course of a month. Let me tell you a little story. When I first began supporting families full time, I took nine clients one July. Yep. NINE. That is something that I will never do again. It was way to many for my comfort level. I did not miss one birth, however I missed a lot at home. I spent the entirety of that month not present for my family, and I learned that was way to many for what I was comfortable with. I want to be able to support your family and mine, and I limit my availability because of this.

  5. Do you have experience with multiples? Advanced age? Blood Pressure issues? This last question is a insert your health issue or concern. Every pregnancy is different and everyone has something in their own personal health history that they may want to address. It’s important to ask those questions if you have a concern about a certain condition or diagnosis. WE ARE NOT DOCTORS. Read that again. I have experience in many types of conditions. This means that I have worked with them, this does NOT mean that I will diagnosis or prescribe anything. I will point you in the direction of a certain care provider should you need additional support with your condition. Preeclampsia, advanced maternal age, Crohn’s disease, muliples, Fifth’s disease, the list goes on and on, but if you have a specific concern regarding your health history, check in with your prospective doula and make sure that they are able to support your family in the way that you need.

You will know after spending some time with this person if they will be a good fit for your family. Trust your gut! It’s important to learn to trust your instincts especially in your pregnancy and birth journey. Ask yourself….Do I trust this person? Does she/he listen to me? Do we communicate well together? How does my partner feel about this person? You should trust them. Doulas have an immense amount of knowledge. We are not medical providers, but we can point you in the direction should you need help with any variety of things. Here’s a couple things that I feel are important things about me. I will not speak for you. EVER. I will ask you. I will empower you to speak up and for yourself. I want you to have the birth YOU want. Here’s the great thing about doulas. We are the calm in the room. We hear and see everything. We whisper. We support you. We will lift you up and stand with you as you move through one of the greatest moments of your life.